Bailey Knezevich

An Autobiograghy

Bailey's profile img

At this point, you might be asking several questions. Such as but not limited to;

Who is Bailey Knezevich?

What are his qualifications?

Is he single?

Well you’re in luck, because some of these questions are going to be answered today.

School Major Concentration
Kennesaw State Univiersity Information Technology Enterprise Systems

Reviews From Collegues

He has a little bit of an ego

-his mom

The man the myth the legend. This guy is something else. Will the world ever realize his greatness? I think not.

-also his mom

Does anyone else talk about him other than his mom?

-you probably

Are these real reviews or is he just making this stuff up?

-also you

Who is Bailey?

Bailey Knezevich is a Kennesaw State Senior majoring in Information Technology. His passions grew from a young age watching his father work with computers and wanted to grow up to be like him. He is the oldest of five siblings and works hard to be a good role model. His dream job would be to be able to make and manage websites for companies.

Why make this site?

This Website started off as a porject for his Web and Mobile App class and it quickly became his personal website and a place to host his projects.

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